Sccala is only compatible with Python >=3.6 and it is recommended to use Python 3.10.
Sccala only supports Linux. It will most likely work on MacOS and on WSL on Windows, but this has not been tested
The instructions here use a virtual environment, but an Anaconda environment will most likely also work. But since not all required packages are available through Anaconda, it is recommended to use a virtual environment to avoid interoperability issues with pip and Anaconda.
A list of packages required by Sccala can be found in environment definition file.
Installing Sccala with pip
First, create a virtual environment using venv. This will use the most recent Python version you have installed on your system.
python3 -m venv sccala-env
After you have created the virtual environment, you need to activate it
source sccala-env/bin/activate
This can also be set as an alias in your .bashrc etc.
alias sccala-env="source <path-to-sccala-env>/sccala-env/bin/activate"
Next, make sure your pip is up to date and install the required packages
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r sccala-env.txt
Now your python environment is set up and you can proceed to install Sccala:
From source
Clone the GitHub repository locally and change into the cloned directory:
git clone
cd Sccala
Make sure that you have activated the sccala-env defined previously and install Sccala:
pip install .
Congratulations, you have successfully installed Sccala to your system!