

  • Sccala is only compatible with Python >=3.6 and it is recommended to use Python 3.10.

  • Sccala only supports Linux. It will most likely work on MacOS and on WSL on Windows, but this has not been tested

  • The instructions here use a virtual environment, but an Anaconda environment will most likely also work. But since not all required packages are available through Anaconda, it is recommended to use a virtual environment to avoid interoperability issues with pip and Anaconda.


A list of packages required by Sccala can be found in environment definition file.

Installing Sccala with pip

First, create a virtual environment using venv. This will use the most recent Python version you have installed on your system.

python3 -m venv sccala-env

After you have created the virtual environment, you need to activate it

source sccala-env/bin/activate

This can also be set as an alias in your .bashrc etc.

alias sccala-env="source <path-to-sccala-env>/sccala-env/bin/activate"

Next, make sure your pip is up to date and install the required packages

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r sccala-env.txt

Now your python environment is set up and you can proceed to install Sccala:

From source

Clone the GitHub repository locally and change into the cloned directory:

git clone
cd Sccala

Make sure that you have activated the sccala-env defined previously and install Sccala:

pip install .

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Sccala to your system!