hesmapy.writers package


hesmapy.writers.hydro1d module

hesmapy.writers.hydro1d.write_hydro1d_from_dataframe(data: DataFrame | list[DataFrame], path: str, model_names: str | list[str] = None, sources: dict | list[dict] = None, units: dict = None, overwrite: bool = False, create_path: bool = True) None

Write a 1D Hydrodynamical model to a JSON file compatible with the HESMA scheme from a DataFrame.


datapd.DataFrame | list[pd.DataFrame]

DataFrame or list of DataFrames containing the hydrodynamical data.


Path to the JSON file.

model_namesstr | list[str], optional

Name(s) of the model(s) to write, by default None. If None, the models will be named “model_0”, “model_1”, etc.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite the file if it already exists, by default False.

create_pathbool, optional

Create the path if it does not exist, by default True.




The DataFrame(s) must contain the following columns: - time - density - radius Other columns are optional. Only columns compliant with the HESMA scheme will be written to the JSON file.

hesmapy.writers.hydro1d.write_hydro1d_from_dict(data: dict | list[dict], path: str, model_names: str | list[str] = None, sources: dict | list[dict] = None, units: dict = None, overwrite: bool = False, create_path: bool = True) None

Write a 1D Hydrodynamical model to a JSON file compatible with the HESMA scheme from a dict.


datadict | list[dict]

dict or list of dicts containing the hydrodynamical data.


Path to the JSON file.

model_namesstr | list[str], optional

Name(s) of the model(s) to write, by default None. If None, the models will be named “model_0”, “model_1”, etc.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite the file if it already exists, by default False.

create_pathbool, optional

Create the path if it does not exist, by default True.




The dict(s) must contain the following columns: - time - density - radius Other columns are optional. Only columns compliant with the HESMA scheme will be written to the JSON file.

hesmapy.writers.hydro1d.write_hydro1d_from_numpy(radius: ndarray | list[ndarray], density: ndarray | list[ndarray], time: float | ndarray, path: str, pressure: ndarray | list[ndarray] = None, temperature: ndarray | list[ndarray] = None, mass: ndarray | list[ndarray] = None, velocity: ndarray | list[ndarray] = None, model_names: str | list[str] = None, sources: dict | list[dict] = None, units: dict = None, overwrite: bool = False, create_path: bool = True, **kwargs) None

Write a 1D Hydrodynamical model to a JSON file compatible with the HESMA scheme from numpy arrays.


radiusnp.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]

Radius of the model cells.

densitynp.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]

Density of the model cells.

timefloat | np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray]

Time of the model. If a float is given, it will be used for all models. If an array is given, it must have the same length as the number of models.


Path to the JSON file.

pressurenp.ndarray | list[np.ndarray], optional

Pressure of the model cells, by default None.

temperaturenp.ndarray | list[np.ndarray], optional

Temperature of the model cells, by default None.

massnp.ndarray | list[np.ndarray], optional

Mass of the model cells, by default None.

velocitynp.ndarray | list[np.ndarray], optional

Velocity of the model cells, by default None.

model_namesstr | list[str], optional

Name(s) of the model(s) to write, by default None. If None, the models will be named “model_0”, “model_1”, etc.

overwritebool, optional

Overwrite the file if it already exists, by default False.

create_pathbool, optional

Create the path if it does not exist, by default True.




Abundances can be added as keyword arguments. The keyword must match the following regular expression: r’x[a-zA-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{0,3}’.

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