Loads all the necessary data for the scm and bundles it |
Module Contents
- sccala.libio.scm_loader.load_data(sne_list, date, mag='I', col=('V', 'I'), calib_sne_list=None, calib_date=None, calib_mag='I', calib_col=('V', 'I'), instrument='Bessell12', export=False, mag_sys=None, vel_sys=None, col_sys=None, ae_sys=None, rho=1.0, rho_calib=0.0, error_mode='mean')
Loads all the necessary data for the scm and bundles it into a pandas DataFrame
- sne_liststr or list
Which SNe to load. Can either be a string, list of string or a filename where a detailed list is stored. If ‘all’ is passed, all SNe found in the data directory will be loaded.
- magstr
Filterband which is used as magnitude. Will be ignored for input if found in sne file and only used for export. Default: “I”
- coltuple
Filterbands to be used for colors. Needs to be given as (a, b) where the color is calculated as ‘a-b’. Will be ignored for input if found in sne file and only used for export. Default: (“V”, “I”)
- datefloat
Epoch at which data is loaded. If date column exists in sne file, input will be ignored.
- calib_sne_liststr or list
Same as sne, but for calibrators (optional).
- calib_magstr
Same as sne, but for calibrators (optional).
- calib_coltuple
Same as sne, but for calibrators (optional).
- calib_datefloat
Same as sne, but for calibrators (optional).
- instrumentstr
Instrument system of the photometry. If multiple systems are used, this has to be specified via the sne and calib_sne file
- exportbool or str
Specifies if DataFrame is to be exported. If True is passed, exported file will be stored in results directory. If str is passed, file will be stored in specified location. Default: False
- mag_sysfloat or None
Systematic magnitude uncertainty added to all SNe. Default: None
- vel_sysfloat or None
Systematic velocity uncertainty added to all SNe. Default: None
- col_sysfloat or None
Systematic color uncertainty added to all SNe. Default: None
- ae_sysfloat or None
Systematic ae uncertainty added to all SNe. Default: None
- rhofloat
Correlation between the color and magnitude uncertainties. Default: 1.0
- rho_calibfloat
Correlation between the color and magnitude uncertainties for calibrator SNe. Default: 0.0
- error_modestr
Mode used to calculate single value error from asymmetric errors. Default: “mean”
- scm_datapd.DataFrame
DataFrame containing all the data necessary for the standardisation