Estimate Error of spectrum based on Savitzky-Golay filtering over large area and subtracting form original data |
Module Contents
- sccala.speclib.spectools.calculate_flux_error(datfile, stdev=4, size=1000, loc=75, scale=50)
Estimate Error of spectrum based on Savitzky-Golay filtering over large area and subtracting form original data
- datfilestr
Path to spectral file of which to calculate flux error
- stdevint
Bins over which spectrum is smoothed. Standarddeviation in Gaussian kernel. Default: 4
- sizeint
Number of windowlengths to be drawn randomly. Default: 1000
- locint or float
Mean of Gaussian distribution from which windowlengths are drawn. Default: 75
- scaleint or float
Stdev of Gaussian distribution from which windowlengths are drawn. Default: 50
data_err : np.ndarray unnormalized error